Monday, May 13, 2013

how to make plastic chicken bone

You will need :
  • A jar large enough to fit a chicken bone
  • A chicken bone - a leg or "drumstick" bone works best
  • Vinegar
    1. Have a nice chicken dinner and save a bone. Leg bones work best. 2. Rinse off the bone in running water to remove any meat from the bone.
    3. Notice how hard the bone is - gently try bending it. Like our bones, chicken bones have a mineral called calcium in them to make them hard.

    Put the bone into the jar and cover the bone with vinegar. It might be a good idea to put the lid on the jar or cover it - let it sit for 3 days

    5. After 3 days remove the bone. It should feel different. Now can rinse it off and try bending it again. Is it really a rubber bone?

A jar large enough to fit a chicken bone.
A chicken bone-leg or drum stick works best.

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